Thursday, March 24, 2016

an interview with Libertarian candidate Darryl Perry.

The following is an Interview via email with candidate for the Libertarian nomination, Darryl Perry.

So, you are an Anarchist. Why should we nominate you over someone less extreme?
1) I do not call myself an anarchist, but do not repudiate the term
2) For too many election cycles the Libertarian Party has nominated Presidential candidates who have claimed they can bring more members to the Party or get a certain vote percentage by delivering a watered down message of liberty. The Libertarian Party needs to once again be the Party of Principle and nominate a candidate who will state as loudly as possible, and as often as possible: “Libertarians support freedom on every issue, every time!”.

The articles of confederation were in Place before the Constitution. It put in place no Federal Government. it failed. How is that any different than a president Perry dismantling the Federal Government?
The AoC failed at allowing power-seekers to centralize power. The difference between abolishing the federal government and re-instating the AoC is that abolishing the US federal government would create 50+ new nations, possibly more than 400 nations depending on how the various states choose to handle the semi-sovereign native tribal lands. Centralization of power is never a good things, and competition is generally good for human freedom.

Do you believe in  the NAP. 
Yes, I believe it is wrong to initiate acts of aggression

Thoughtson Austin petersen, Gary johnson, and John Mcafee.

What are the first ten things you would do as president?
1) Pardon Chelsea Manning
2) Pardon Ross Ulbricht
3) Drop all charges against Edward Snowden
4) Issue a blanket pardon for all non-violent federal drug offenders
5) Issue a blanket pardon for all federal prisoners convicted of non-violent offenses without a victim
6) Immediately cease all combat operations
7) Start the process for closing all ~900 military bases around the globe
8) Order all federal agencies to immediately cease all bulk data collection
9) Order all federal agencies to immediately cease enforcement of federal drug laws
10) Begin working with Congress to cut spending, repeal laws & abolish agencies

How would you handle ISIS
I would stop funding them and supplying them with weapons

Is there any Libertarian candidate you would not endorse?
There are lots of Libertarian Party members who are not libertarians, and I do not endorse candidates who are not consistently libertarian.

How do you plan on winning the election or getting us the five percent we need should you get the nomination?
I make no promises about winning the election or obtaining a certain vote threshold that enables the Party to be eligible for a federal welfare check - that I hope the Party rejects. I only promise to run a principled libertarian campaign, and to promote the ideas of liberty as boldly and as often as possible, and to give as many people the chance to vote for an actual libertarian in November 2016!

Next i'll try Gary johnson, Steve kerbel, Rhett smith, and i'll interview some other third parties as well.

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