Monday, March 21, 2016

A conversation with Libertarian Candidate Austin Petersen.

Hello readers, this is Part one of my series of Interviews with all the Libertarian party  candidates.
Today i interviewed Austin petersen, and asked him the following questions.
 1.) how do you expect people to vote for you even after you said you Disagree with the NAP?
2.) thoughts on gary johnson
3.) who do you think is your biggest challanger for the LP nomination
4.) If you get the LP nomination how do you plan on getting us the five percent needed  for major party status
5.) Why should you get the LP nomination even though you don't have the expereince?
6.) Thoughts on john mcafee?
7.0 thoughts on marc allan feldman?
8.) why president? why not go for a smaller office?

the following is his answers: The non-aggression principle leads to anarcho-pacifism, and certain rights (positive rights was one example)  cannot be insured or protected. He also showed the example of abortion, (he's pro-life as i am) and stated that in the defense of the unborn babies life, The Government would be the aggressor by protecting  the fetus and not allowing the abortion/termination.

On gary johnson he stated that he is a more left libertarian, Because he's for  subsides to the energy industry, etc. He also mentioned the fact that gary johnson has proved to be un-electable and said he's more 'an ex-republican who smokes pot."

On the question of who's the biggest challenger for the LP nomination, He said Gary Johnson. John mcafee he said he likes very much as a "party bro", But that Mcafee is simply unelectable.  He's the only one who can build a coalition from the "never trump" group, and conservatives because he's pro-life, and get the people who would never vote for Gary because of his pro-abortion stance. As for the question on his lack of experience, he stated that he  has spent plenty of years in the Libertarian party doing activism like work, (working with judge napalitanos show, etc.) His thoughts on Marc allen Feldman are the same as gary and mcafee. Likes the guy very much, But he's a bit of a left libertarian policy wise. And as for the presidency,  he stated every great man through history when it was their time, they did it. But to be clear, he wasn't gloating. I asked him if there was any candidate he would NOT back, he said the only one he wouldn't endorse is jessie ventura. Ventura, in his view, is a conspiracy theory nut who messes with peoples intellect.

Thanks for reading all! next i might do Marc allen feldman himself. 

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