Friday, January 1, 2016


                                    So, i already know i talked about donald a little bit in my prediction of the    
 2016 election post, but i'll go into detail exposing donald trump and how he's bad for liberty and other related subjects.
First of all, I don't know if any of you know this, but he already tried to get the reform party nomination in 2000, pretty interesting. the reform party isn't that bad actually. i'd take their nominee over hillary anyday. but thats just an interesting fact for those of you who say he's an outsider to politics. he never has had a job in politics but is involved.  But he is a friend of Clinton family, he gave both parties money, and i dont trust  him fully in the very least. let me explain.  according to the daily caller, in between the years 1989 and 2010 he gave a large sum of money to democrats and republicans, $314,300  to the democrats and $290,000 to the republicans.  but later on, he started paying the democrats more and the republicans less. in the 2004 cycle he paid the  dems $40,500 and the GOP a measly $17,250 dollars. i wonder where his allegiance lies?

  well lets look at the past history and see. Back in the 2008 election when people still liked obama, he made a blog post saying hillary would make a great president.  according to a cbs news article this is what it  said. "Hillary Clinton said she'd consider naming Barack Obama as her vice-president when she gets the nomination, but she's nowhere near a shoo-in. For his part, Obama said he's just focused on winning the nomination, although at least one member of his team said Clinton would make a good vice-president. (I know Hillary and I think she'd make a great president or vice-president.)," Trump wrote." 
why would you want a president that donated money to the democrats and praised hillary clinton and is a family friend of the clintons. she was at one of his numerous weddings. he talked with bill "the rapist" clinton a few weeks before he announced his bid for the 2016 election.  this isn't conclusive completely of anything, but be  wary all you #donaldtrump fans.  But this is just his democrat and clinton ties. we haven't even talked about he used to be a stereotypical liberal.  according to donald's profile on the website ""   he has flipflopped more times than i can count. on abortion he went from being pro choice to being pro life
 from '99 to 2011.  in 2015 he said "he's fine with affirmative action, for now"  he's not for legalizing marijuana in 2015, while in the 90s he said "drug enforcement is a joke"  he's against free trade but he does business in china. odd. back in 2000 he said he was for an assault weapons ban but in 2011 said he's against gun control. also back in 2000 he said he's for universal healthcare. also back in 2000 he said "hold judges accountable, dont reduce sentences" his record is not conservative at all. this is just all straight off "on the issues' too.  so if any of you republicans think he's a conservative, at least see his  past records.  also according to he was registered as a democrat for the past decade. if none of this was enough to convince you lets look the vera coking case this is the Wikipedia  article on it. "In 1993, Donald Trump bought several lots around his Atlantic City casino and hotel, intending to build a parking lot designed forlimousines.[3] Coking, who had lived in her house at that time for about 35 years, refused to sell.((meaning that trump wanted to buy her property))  When Coking refused to sell to Trump, the city of Atlantic City condemned her house, using the power of eminent domain. Her designated compensation was to be $251,000,[4] about one quarter of what Guccione had offered her 10 years earlier." 
so any of you who left ron paul after 2008 and 2012 to go to trump, you messed up bad. real bad.  
Before you say that you support him "because he's anti-establishment" look at what i showed you. hes WITH the establishment. i think there is a great possibility that he's a plant in  the GOP for Hillary clinton so that she has a greater chance of winning. she has been a failure. libya, bengazi, etc. so in order for her to win, the establishment is making very few democratic debates and making them at bad times so few people watch them. she looses almost every debate shes in. after the most recent debate a poll said martin o'mailey won against her. thats kinda pathetic hillary. so what is going to happen if all this is true is a "Scandal" will come out that the RNC was trying to mess up trump, (planned by trump, the RNC, and the establishment) so he can have a good rationale to go independent, taking his voters with him,  destroying the GOP. so either a.) someone hillary can crush easily or B.) jeb bush or marco rubio who are both pushing the agenda can win the nomination for the GOP. You guys know why trump is so successful? he plays on blue collars fears. he says the blunt truth sometimes, which is appealing. but its all just a show. also if none of that was enough to convince you, his hair is weird. seriously donald, i really wanna know. what??? 

thanks for reading todays report. happy new years all! im going on vacaction the 12th to 15th so will miss the SOTUA and the debate on the 15th. but on the 16th expect a break down of the adress.
